See also
Double Thread Embroidery
The need to live in a beautifully decorated home is always present through the centuries. In Europe the fist historical reference is in Homer’s “Odyssey” when Penelope was weaving a beautifully decorated fabric, waiting her husband’s return in the island of Ithaca, Greece. In the middle ages great works appear decorating chateaux and palaces. A classical form of art was to decorate with needle works, sofas, chairs and armchairs with complex colorful designs. The tapestry covering was embroidered before covering the furniture. A new durable fabric evolves, to facilitate this art. This fabric, the tapestry canvas was made with a new technique to group threads two by two horizontally and vertically in case to create a square opening. This way the embroidery thread was passing easily, the counting was facilitated and the work was exact. To increase durability of the canvas special four pry yarns are used that makes the embroidery last longer, even through generations.
The double mesh Canvas can be stitched in two ways even at the same art work. Where the design has dig surfaces to be embroidered the needle passes through the big openings. When detail is needed it can be worked even at the small openings at the center of every cross formed by the couples of weft and wrap treads, that doubles the stitching per inch or quadruples per square inch!
Now to keep the openings open, the canvas is finished with special materials. The result is to have a have a steady fabric with very firm mesh thanks to its thick finish. This is to facilitate the embroidery. After this procedure is finished the embroidered fabric can be washed the finishing disappears and it becomes soft again.
In our days the patterns are pre printed on the canvas. Depending on countries or cultures there are many modern or traditional patterns and motifs to be found.
The tapestry technique is still used on canvases today. Other classic canvases techniques like latch hook are also widespread. Also, pom-pom rugs or the use of "waste canvas," can also be found with artists, designers or do-it-yourselfers all over the world.
What is a needlepoint Canvas?
We distinguish canvas by the stitches per unit of measurement, called STITCHES per centimeter or/and COUNTS per inch, So, the same Canvas is called 4,0stitches/cm or 40/10cm in Europe & metric system countries & 10 Count in the US & the UK.
Fine canvases starting with “Penelope”, with 4.0 to 7.0 stitches/cm (10 - 18 ct.) are mostly used for cross-stitch, needlepoint and satin stitch and for every counted embroidery.
The canvases with wider openings like “Smyrna” of 1,3 to 2,0 stitches/ cm (3 - 5 ct.) are special for latch hook & cross-stitch with special thick yarn.
When a special technique is applied an extra care must be taken to match the latch hook threads chosen & the needle or the latch hook all to be suitable to the number of canvas. So, it is recommended to make a sample before starting the work.
In Europe there is a constant tradition on weaving, from Penelope’s hands to modern weaving mills. This long tradition is continuing in “birthplace” Greece within the ADAMS® fabric mill. Established in 1933 and for more than 8 decades is building expertise in the production of premium quality fabrics, to meet the high standards for handmade embroidery and home decoration.
Why to embroider on double-mesh Canvas?
Purpose & how it is made?
The double mesh Canvas is made of Cotton, a highly ecological material. Cotton is used to create sturdy evenly rounded multi-ply yarns of highest quality that are ideal for a smooth passage of the stitching tread. The Canvas is woven straight & square from one selvage to the other.
The double mesh Canvas, even though it is plain-woven fabric, a special technique is applied to pack two threads close together. Between four pairs of yarns (two vertical and two horizontal) a stable woven checkered opening is forming made up of warp and weft threads. In the fabric each “window” is clear and open to facilitate counting during embroidery. At the end it is heavily finish with special ecological materials giving the fabric the necessary firmness that makes it the easiest fabric to embroider. Also, a colossal variety of printed on canvas themes are available in the international market. In case to have exact prints, the canvas must be durable, straight and square and the finishing quality appropriate for bright colors to appear. ADAMS® needlepoint Canvas is produced in a variety of colors, white, beige and khaki, on some of them golden, silver or bronze yarn is added. The widths available start from 0,50m. up to 2,00m upon request. The ADAMS® needlepoint Canvas is a classic for tapestry works and a guarantee for best results for Gobelin embroideries.